Grit is a perseverance and passion for long term goals. It is having the stamina and an ability to stick with our future intent and to achieve our goals.

People with grit combine a strong motivation to achieve targets with the resilience and mettle to see their goal through to fruition.

In order to develop grit, it’s actually helpful to firstly embrace failure! 

Failure is often inevitable, but if we learn to embrace it is as an opportunity to learn, improve, and get back up again, we're more likely to succeed in the future.

The ability for our brains to learn is not fixed and our learning can change with effort. In fact, the nerve cells in our brain change and grow in response to challenge. 

If we learn to recognise failure as not being a permanent position, we are more likely to persevere during and beyond the failures we experience. 

In fact, the ability to embrace the lessons of defeat and the vulnerability of perseverance is all part of the process available to us to develop and demonstrate grit. 

About the Author

Hilary McLellanHilary McLellan

Hilary is an Organisational Behaviourist, Team and Exec Coach, specialising in coaching and facilitating culture and behavioural change, organisational development, resilience and emotional intelligence.