Having one of those weeks when you can’t seem to get anything done? Or finding it difficult to focus at work? 

A recent lack of ability to focus has undoubtedly stemmed from the fact many of us now work from home and have become more susceptible to distractions.

But what is focus?

Focus can be defined as the centre of activity, attraction or attention for an individual or a group. It’s the ability to stay concentrated on what you’re doing and ignore distractions. 

It is also the hidden ingredient in excellence - hidden because we typically don’t notice it. 

Research has identified six common reasons why we struggle to focus at work. 

  1. Spending too much time staring at electronic devices. Try communicating face to face or through a telephone conversation (rather than email or text) whenever you can.
  2. Trying to do too much at once.  We can combine simple tasks but combining complex tasks usually isn’t productive.  Try developing a conscious awareness of when you are attempting to multiply complex tasks, like trying to type an important email while participating in a meeting. 
  3. Generating lots of ideas but struggling to organise and engage with each one. Try writing your ideas down, decide which ones interest you the most and choose no more than three to implement.
  4. Worrying and focusing anxious attention on problems that aren’t that important.  Try getting the facts.  Toxic worry is often rooted in a lack of information, wrong information or both. Doing a little research can help put the problem in perspective.
  5. Taking care of others to the exclusion of your own needs. Try noticing if you prefer to offer help than receive it and if so, go out of your comfort zone and ask for assistance.
  6. Underachieving. Try developing your organisational and time management skills.  Take a step back to plan your work and prioritise what next. 


Psychology Today

HBR: Why Can’t you Focus at Work?

The Mind of the Leader by Rasmus Hougaard, Jacqueline Carter

About the Author

Hilary McLellanHilary McLellan

Hilary is an Organisational Behaviourist, Team and Exec Coach, specialising in coaching and facilitating culture and behavioural change, organisational development, resilience and emotional intelligence.